Maintain Confidence in Your Internal Controls and Receive Each of These On-Going Services Throughout the Year:
An Annual Internal Control / Fraud & Embezzlement Vulnerability Study
The study covers all departments and functions.
Understand vulnerabilities that an external audit is not designed to identify.
Allows you to have independence in your internal controls to support public trust and ensure new processes, software systems, and new risks are comprehensively evaluated regularly.
An annual external audit is not a fraud risk assessment.
Frauds and embezzlements happen hundreds of times annually in local government - in organizations of all sizes and complexity.
On-Site Audits of Purchases, Fuel Use, and Inventory Management
Maintain excellent preventive and detective internal controls by independent experts who support your anti-fraud workplace efforts.
Advanced Data Analytics to Identify Potential Risky Employee Purchases
Monthly assessments by certified fraud examiners using advanced software.
Custom reports.
Identify risky employee purchases, including potential purchasing policy violations.
Relieve staff workload while saving both time and money.
A Bank of Hours for Independent and Expert Consulting At Your Disposal Throughout the Year, to Use on Any of the Following:
Organizational or operational assessments.
Staffing studies.
Policy writing.
Fraud risk management plans.
Employee climate surveys.
Capital improvement planning and budget development.
Executive recruitment.
AWIA compliance (risk and resiliency studies and emergency response plans)
Investigation assistance.
Cost: Costs are highly affordable for governments of all sizes. Prices are all-inclusive and except for executive recruitment finalist background and advertising costs, you never pay for any of our expenses.
Locking Rates: Your rates remain locked for the first five years of the annual subscription service.
Referral Discounts: Receive up to 50% off your next year's subscription through our referral program.
65th North Group
Where governments of all sizes go for effective fraud & embezzlement vulnerability reduction and other specialized consulting services
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